The Rover Visual Survey System
How do we rate the condition of unsealed roads?
The rating assesses the road’s average condition over the total length of the segment from the vehicle for the crossfall rating. The condition score is based against the condition description which best describes the average condition of unsealed pavement existing over the total segment length. Tables containing the Condition Scores for unsealed pavement and unsealed formation can be found in our free brochure (please follow the link below).
How is the ROVER Visual Survey System used to collect data for condition rating?
Our ROVER system is equipped with video cameras which capture roads and roadside assets. Data collected is then stored into the ROVER Collection Manager and is post rated in the office. Since the Collection Manager is preloaded with segment lists and maps, the technical officer will be able to monitor progress and ensure that there aren’t any missed segments. A free brochure containing technical specifications can be downloaded by filling out the short form below.
PMS Rover Visual Survey System