Asset Management Systems
Pavement Management Services offer a range of pavement asset management tools and solutions that help clients effectively monitor the condition of their Roads Infrastructure and Airports assets. Therefore, you can effectively monitor the condition of your pavements and assets.
Key Features
Multi-Year Analysis
It allows for multiple multi-year projections modelling scenarios of up to 30 years to be evaluated, facilitating greater understanding of the relationship between budgets, maintenance strategies and asset performance.
Deterioration Models
Project future level of service for specific pavement areas to help determine optimal maintenance strategies. Deterioration curves are configured within the platform and can be derived from historical data.
Cloud-based Solution
The system requires less internal IT to deploy and maintain. The solution utilised advanced server technology. And the expertise is provided by the consultant with no expertise needed in the house.
Optimized Work Plans
Turn analysis results directly into optimized work plans that aggregate adjacent projects on a route over multiple years.

Road infrastructures represent a key public asset in most countries, and traditional methods must evolve to meet challenging new requirements. Pavement Management Services (PMS) Asset Management System allows for several multi-year projection modelling scenarios of up to 30 years to be evaluated, facilitating a greater understanding of the relationship between budgets, maintenance strategies and asset performance.
Monitoring road asset condition is high cost, especially monitoring pavement strength conditions. Hence it is important to have an established asset management system earlier than later to assist stake holders with strategic plans and to monitor asset performance. In the long term asset management can be a powerful tool that can save money and prepare you for any number of likely scenarios.
Our venture in developing an advanced asset management system that is tailored to Australian clients started with our founder, Dr John Yeaman. Dr Yeaman did his PHD at the University of Berkeley, California, in defining the deterioration profiles of the key pavement defects under Australian conditions in parallel with the World Bank Project known as Highway Deterioration Modelling (HDM-2 then HDM -3). The program was extended and adopted by long term maintenance contractors when State Road Authorities started to outsource the maintenance task to private contractors.
Subsequently, we have developed PARMMS solution that has been implemented on multi million projects with 15 year predictive horizons and accurate to within 3% of initial budget estimate and condition outcomes. PARMMS, Pavement Management System has been used as a stand-alone PMS since 1996. The biggest advantage of this system is the deterioration modelling which has been proven from over 25-years of modelling forward works programs for Local Government in Australia.
Our software solutions have not remained static and we are constantly bringing the solution forward. Pavement Management Services (PMS) has been able to achieve more effective set of work plans to help you achieve your performance objectives within various budgetary, legislative, and other constraints. Track performance, simplify workflows and help you deliver safer, longer-lasting pavements.
All our systems considered provide a framework to achieve an optimal performance of the road system by integrating management of the capacity, condition and use of the road infrastructure against acceptable, affordable and sustainable levels of service. All systems offered manage short and long term goals and consider the implication of constrained budgets and deferred maintenance.
Pavement Management Services has two powerful Asset Management Systems to offer. Each has strengths and the use depends on the client’s needs.
PARMMS powered by AgileAssets®
Agile Assets (Austin, Texas) and Pavement Management Services have had a 20-year association with enterprise level PMS and State Department Road Asset Management. Dr Yeaman studied under Professor Ronald Hudson and they both worked on delivering the AgileAsset solution to the Municipality of Abu Dhabi. PARMMS powered by AgileAssets allows users to create optimal work plans using predictive modelling to determine the best time to apply a preventive treatment that keeps your pavement in good repair.
PARMMS powered by Yotta
Pavement Management Services (PMS) and Yotta have engaged in a partnership to unlock the advanced display interfaces and web-based access generated by Yotta with the Pavement Management Services built deterioration modelling for Australian conditions. The resulting product is PARMMS powered by Yotta and incorporates two Yotta (UK) modules being Horizons™ and Explorer™. This solution has the advantage that we can either just use the mapping interface module Explorer ™ or we can switch on the modelling module of Horizons™.
Contact us.
Contact our team to get you started in finding the best asset management system tailored to your needs.