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PARMMS powered by Yotta
PARMMS powered by Yotta (Horizons) is capable of receiving data uploads in various file formats resulting in the capture of numerous defect and condition measures. Condition is, therefore, able to be modelled according to individual parameters, depending on the client’s needs of asset type with asset categorization. The solution is hosted by Amazon Web Services base out of Sydney.
Here are some of the features that can help to achieve better Asset Performance:
Visualise Asset Performance
It can hold and display any spatially referenced data on your network to help you to fully understand asset performance and inform decisions.
An elegant, yet powerful map centric interface combined with a host of data visualisation techniques including: bubble mapping, georeferenced data graphing, data summary reports, and video integration, which assists all members of the organisation from senior decision makers through to Asset Engineers with the rapid appraisal of asset performance.
Locally Defined Performance Measures
In addition to traditional general performance measures, PARMMS powered by Yotta (Horizons) can deliver locally defined performance measures based on locally tailored condition parameter rulesets. Whilst these local performance measures are based on the same raw survey data as their traditional counterparts, they can be designed to specifically reflect an individual authority’s service levels, maintenance strategies and goals.
Calculate current & future Asset maintenance requirements
Maintenance rules can be based on any relevant information ( defect rates, inspector scores etc.) and calibrated to align with local conditions and strategies to deliver accurate Maintenance Backlogs, and Multi-year asset performance scenarios. Asset deterioration rates that underpin these scenarios can be informed by historic trends to ensure that predictions are accurate. The flexibility of scenario modelling allows you to understand:
Asset Performance based on Investment and maintenance strategy.
Investment required to achieve an aspirational asset performance target.
Economic Asset Management
Lifecycle planning principles, such as the timing of interventions and the Benefit Cost Ratio analysis of competing treatment options, ensure that the right treatments are selected in the right place and at the right time.
Influence Decisions with Stakeholder Requirements
Spatial Multi-Criteria Analysis can be applied to the scheme selection process to ensure that stakeholder requirements are objectively considered within the decision making process.
Rapid Works Programme Development
Through the intuitive data visualisations and the incorporation of georeferenced video, PARMMS powered by Yotta (Horizons) allows authorities to validate asset works programmes generated from their analysis rapidly and efficiently as a pre-cursor to any site visits.
Enhanced Asset Management
Aside from the benefits covered above, by having all relevant asset information in one place, PARMMS powered by Yotta (Horizons) allows more value to be extracted from data held by local governments to state authorities. Examples of new activities that authorities are either beginning to, or now more efficiently carrying out include:
Using survey data to identify failing utility reinstatements and drainage assets.
Using Multi-Criteria Analysis to implement adaptive lighting programmes.
Identifying and prioritising sites with a Wet-Skid risk for investigation.
Refining gully emptying regimes based on historic silt-depth information.