ROVER Visual Survey System

The Rover Unsealed Survey System is a highly robust video system with mechanical roughness bump integrator and ultrasonic transverse profiling systems specifically designed for unsealed and unformed roads. It is suitable for operating in challenging conditions and locations.

The video system uses a calibrated grid on screen which allows the viewer to get approximate sizes of potholes, lane widths, etc. The visual vehicles include GPS equipment so that location information can be collected. The imagery is taken at normal vehicle speeds, reducing traffic and safety issues. Footage can be used as evidence in litigation cases, to verify data, or in asset inventory surveys.

Rover Visual Survey for unsealed

Key Features

System Output

  • GPS NMEA/RAW strings, up to 50 Hz:



  • Raw Ephemeris

  • DMI at sub-metre resolution

Camera Recording Video

  • 50 frames per second.

  • 1920x1080 resolution

  • 12 bits

  • Power over Ethernet

  • File Formats:

  • ASCII File: GPS, DMI

  • Jpeg images: 4 video streams